The vocabulary/language mini-lessons support students and teachers with vocabulary knowledge and skills. The mini-lessons are written for specific texts, which teachers need to access for instruction. Teachers can also adapt them to other texts or even other grades. The mini-lessons cover language standards L.4 and L.5, which are the standards with greatest focus on vocabulary as it applies to reading.
Text(s): I Read Signs by Tanya Hoban |
Visual Expression: Sign
Text(s): Tomas the the Library Lady by Pat Mora |
Field Trip: LibraryTake a field trip with your class, family, or a trusted adult to the school or community library.
Text(s): Nasreen’s Secret School by Jeanette Winter |
Verbal Expression: Letter to a Pen PalNasreen is very sad until a new friend helps her feel better. Make a new friend by writing a letter to someone you do not know in another class. In your letter, tell your pen pal about yourself.
Social Justice/Equality: Group DiscussionThe Taliban did not allow girls in Afghanistan to go to school, so Nasreen went to a secret school. Discuss these questions about fairness and equality in a small group:
Share your ideas with the class. |
Text(s): My Librarian is a Camel by Margriet Ruurs |
Performance Arts: SongImagine that you are a traveling librarian in a country from the book. Create a song about your work. Look at the pictures in the book to help you. You can also make up details.
Sing your song for the class. |
Text(s): Working for Biblioburro by Monica Brown + That Book Woman by Heather Henson + My Librarian is a Camel by Margriet Ruurs |
Connecting Texts: PaintingIn these books, caring grownups bring books and stories to children.
Text(s): Me…Jane by Patrick McDonnell |
Visual Expression: DrawingJane Goodall learned by looking at the world around her. Find something in nature to observe. It might be a plant or animal. It might be the weather.
Teaching Extension: Build Background KnowledgeShow students this clip of Jane Goodall’s life. |
Text(s): The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau by Dan Yaccarino |
Verbal Expression: Personal ResponseVerbal Expression: Personal Response Jacques Cousteau invented things that helped him explore the sea. If you could invent something, what would it be?
Teaching Extension: Build Background KnowledgeShow students a clip from The Silent World or from Cousteau’s television series. |
Text(s): Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea by Chris Butterworth |
Performance Arts: SongImagine that you are a seahorse. Create a song about yourself. Look at the pictures in the book to help you.
Visual Expression: PaintingThe seahorse can change the color of its skin:
Teaching Extension: Build Background KnowledgeShow students one of these clips of seahorses (this one or this one.) |
Text(s): Starfish by Edith Thacher Hurd |
Visual Expression: Starfish DioramaStarfish tells about different starfish and where they live. Create the ocean world of a starfish in a shoe box.
Teaching Extension: Build Background KnowledgeLead or have students take a self-guided virtual field trip about starfish or seastars at an aquarium, such as this virtual visit. |
Text(s): Never Smile at a Monkey by Steve Jenkins |
Content Area: Social StudiesThe animals in the book are dangerous, but most of them live in faraway places. The pages at the end of the book tell where they live. Work in a small group to find the places on a map.
Text(s): Me…Jane by Patrick McDonnell + The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau by Dan Yaccarino |
Connecting Texts: DialogueImagine that Jane Goodall and Jacques Cousteau meet. What would they say to each other? Work with a partner to create a conversation they might have.
All Module Texts |
Teaching Extension: Social Sensitivity (Enslavement, Discrimination, Racism)Access and read tools to support teaching sensitive topics, such as:
Text(s): A Weed Is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver by Aliki |
Teaching Extension: Life for African Americans in the Late 1800sTo prepare for reading A Weed Is a Flower, share the following information:
Performance Arts: SongGeorge Washington Carver always loved plants. He loved to grow them, study them, and paint them. As a boy, people even called him the Plant Doctor. What else do you know about his love of plants?
Text(s): A Weed Is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver by Aliki + George Washington Carver by Dana Meachen Rau |
Connecting Texts: PosterMake a poster about George Washington Carver and his life.
Text(s): Testing the Ice: A True Story About Jackie Robinson by Sharon Robinson and Kadir Nelson NOTE: Clarify that ice on a pond or lake takes much longer to freeze than ice in a cup, and that children should never go on frozen surfaces unless an adult says that it’s safe. |
Performance Arts: Acting Out ScenesThe illustrations and words in this text help us imagine what it was like to know Jackie Robinson. Work with a partner or in a small group to act out some scenes from the book.
Content Areas: ScienceJackie’s dad tests the ice on the lake to see if it’s frozen. Water becomes ice when it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below. How long do you think it takes for a cup of water to freeze? Do this experiment to find out.
Text(s): Jackie Robinson by Will Mara |
Visual Expression: Pages in a BookThis book tells the important events in Jackie Robinson’s life. Create your own pages for a book about Robinson.
Text(s): Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss |
Verbal Expression: Silly StoryDr. Seuss wrote this silly story with just 50 different words. He used them over and over again. Sometimes he added NOT. Sometimes he changed the order. He also used rhyming words, like rain and train. Make up your own silly story.
Text(s): The Blind Men and the Elephant retold by Phoebe Franklin + Seven Blind Mice retold and illustrated by Ed Young NOTE: If you have visually impaired students in your classroom, be especially sensitive to their experience. Consider elevating their status as leaders who can teach classmates about their experiences with using other senses in place of sight. Invite their input on appropriate terminology for discussing visual impairments. |
Teaching Extension: BlindnessExplain that when people are blind they cannot see. Instead they listen, smell, touch, and taste to understand the world. To help students understand the concept of blindness, play this guessing game.
Content Areas: ScienceMake a nonfiction book about elephants with a small group. Show what elephants look like and what they do.
Visual Expression: DrawingWork with a partner to draw an elephant like what the story characters imagined.
Text(s): Abraham Lincoln by Wil Mara + A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden |
Connecting Texts: CollageCreate a collage to show what you learned about Abraham Lincoln’s life.
Text(s): A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden |
Teaching Extension: Math GamePlay a game with students that uses pennies and dimes to develop money counting skills.
Social Justice/Diversity: Group DiscussionIn A. Lincoln and Me, we learn that people laughed at President Lincoln because he was different. They also laugh at the boy in the book for that reason. In a small group, discuss questions such as these:
Text(s): Storms by Miriam Busch Goin |
Visual Expression: Storm PaintingMake a painting of one of the storms in the book.
Text(s): The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer NOTE: The first activity provides guidance for teacher preparation. |
Teaching Extension: Background on MalawiBefore reading the text, point to Malawi on a world map, and provide this information:
Content Areas: Science and Wind EnergyWilliam built a windmill to make wind energy. You can make wind energy, too. Have an adult help you make a spinning pinwheel.
Text(s): Feelings by Aliki |
Performance Arts: Act Out FeelingsThe cartoons in the book show children with different feelings. Work with a partner to act out a scene that shows feelings.
Text(s): Owl at Home, “The Guest” by Arnold Lobel |
Visual Expression: DioramaOwl’s home is very cozy before he invites in the wind. After the wind comes in, Owl’s home looks very different.
Text(s): Brave Irene by William Steig |
Content Areas: Dance and MovementThe wind is always with Irene on her journey. It blows snow on Irene’s face. It pushes her. It even wrestles the box from her. Work with a partner to make up a dance about their time together.
Community/Cultural Connections: Special Foods and SmellsIrene’s mother calls her dumpling, cupcake, and pudding. She must like these foods a lot. Then later, Irene remembers the smell of fresh-baked bread when she thinks about her mother.
Visual Expression: Clothing DesignIrene’s mother, Mrs. Bobbin, is a dressmaker. She designs dresses and then makes them for people. The title pages shows a gown on a model of a person’s body. The gown is almost finished. Mrs. Bobbin is sewing ribbons on it.
Text(s): Gilberto and the Wind by Marie Hall Ets |
Verbal Expression: Personal ResponseSometimes Gilberto likes the wind. Sometimes he doesn’t.
Performance Arts: DialogueGilberto tells about his time with the wind. Imagine that they are both talking about what happened.
Text(s): “Hurricanes: Spinning Storms” ( |
Content Areas: ScienceYou have read about winds in a hurricane. Have an adult help you do an experiment to see what the spinning winds look like.
All Module Texts |
Content Areas: WeatherYou have read about different kinds of windy weather in this module. Weather reporters tell what the weather will be like. When a storm comes, they describe it.
Visual Expression: CollageMany texts in this module tell about the wind and people’s feelings about it. Make a collage about the wind.
Text(s): National Geographic Kids: Beginner’s World Atlas by National Geographic NOTE: For the Geography activity, students will need markers and smooth rubber balls with writable surfaces (or paper to glue to the ball). Plan to assist them in gluing paper on if necessary and definitely with cutting the balls. When cutting the balls, cut top to bottom, but only half way through. The goal is to open the ball, not to cut it into two pieces. If students complete the independent activity at home, they will need copies of p. 7. |
Teaching Extension: Introducing Maps and Text Features
Concept Areas: GeographyMapmakers have to solve some problems to show the round Earth on a flat piece of paper.
All Module Cinderella Texts NOTE: You may wish to use the first Teaching Extension at the beginning of the module and the second one at the end. |
Teaching Extension: Features of Fairy Tales
Social Justice/Gender: Group DiscussionCinderella was first told when girls had very few choices in life. In all of these stories, a girl lives with a mean stepmother. A prince or other important man saves her from an unhappy life.
Text(s): Cinderella by Charles Perrault, illustrated by Marcia Brown NOTE: Students may need help navigating the Internet and selecting “Images.” |
Verbal Expression: MonologueMice, horses, and the fairy godmother help Cinderella go to the ball.
Content Areas: Social StudiesThis version of the fairy tale is from France. The pictures show what clothing and other items were like about five hundred years ago. Work in a small group to find pictures of castles, clothing, and coaches from that time.
Text(s): The Korean Cinderella by Shirley Climo NOTES: After reading, clarify that sparrows really can hull rice to separate the husk from the kernel. They pull seeds apart to get to the part they can eat. In the story, however, they do this to help Pear Blossom and not to get food. As needed, help students locate the Koreas on the map. |
Content Areas: ScienceSparrows are important in the story. Make a poster to tell about them.
Content Areas: Social StudiesWork in a small group to make a book about Korea. Have each student add a page to the book.
Text(s): Adelita by Tomie dePaola |
Content Areas: Foreign LanguageAdelita includes many Spanish words and phrases. One word is rebozo, which means “shawl.” Adelita wears a rebozo to the party. It has birds and flowers on it.
Verbal Expression: MenuAdelita goes to a fiesta, or party, at Javier’s house. There she might see dishes made with chiles, corn, rice, beans, and vegetables. Create a menu for the fiesta.
For more information about Mexico, visit this site: |
Text(s): Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters by John Steptoe |
Visual Expression: DioramaMufaro and his daughters live near a rainforest, where there are many birds and other animals. Nyasha has a garden. She grows millet, sunflowers, yams, and vegetables. Make Nyasha’s garden in a shoe box.
Content Areas: Social StudiesThe city Nyasha sees was from long ago. The city is no longer there, but people can can see the ruins. Work with a partner or small group to learn about them.
Performance Arts: Act Out ScenesBoth sisters meet a boy and an old man. But the sisters act differently. Work with a partner to act out scenes with one of the sisters.